problem communicating with google play market
Hey all, I just got an HTC One M8 and I am trying to set up google on it but I am getting the error "There was a problem communicating with Google servers. Try again later". I verify two step verification is off, a factory reset, tried several different networks, made sure date and time was correct and it will not communicate with google at all. I also tried to create a new account on the phone and even if i try and create one with a random user name likeit says that username is taken. It seems to me like the phone just flat out wont connect to google no matter what I try. Like the problem is in the device routing or something. Any thoughts? Are you staying in China now? If yes,it would be strange if you can connect to google. Almost all of us in China can just use google search and google translate.Internet of China has been seriously limited so that a lot of webs out of China cannot be connected to. 我只看懂了google,楼主请用中文说吧 asperta 发表于 2015-3-22 12:09我只看懂了google,楼主请用中文说吧
google翻译一下... 可能是手机不支持吧 嘿,我刚刚得到一个HTC M8和我想设置它谷歌但我得到错误“有一个与谷歌服务器通信问题。请稍后再试”。我验证了两步验证了,工厂复位,尝试了几种不同的网络,确定了日期和时间是正确的,它不会在所有与谷歌沟通。我也试图在手机上创建一个新帐户,即使我尝试创造一个随机的用户的名字像******* gmail.com说用户名是。对我来说,手机只是平了不会连接到无论我怎么尝试谷歌。像是在设备的路由或什么的。有什么想法吗? 你住在中国吗?如果是的,如果你可以连接到谷歌会是奇怪的。在中国,几乎所有人都使用谷歌搜索和谷歌翻译。中国互联网已经受到严重的限制,很多网从中国不能连接到。